

We have a vast experince in design and construction of a restaurents as in today worlds restaurent is not just a place where people go and eat now adays it become a place to hangout, have a meeting , and also a photo genic area so we make sure that when we design or construct a restraurent it should be photo genic and also comfort for the customer how are comeing for hangout or have a meeting.

Experts & Specialists

layout and flow

In the restaurent design the balance is the key . the balace between the traffic flow and furniture so when we design the restaurent we keep in mind that the layout of setting arengment should be according to the traffic flow in the restaurant show that their should be no conjucent in the restaurant 

Understanding the brand and concept

when we design the resturant we keep in mind about the concept that the client have thought also the brand the client want to build or to perception he want to potray towards the customer so it will help the client to setup the restaurant.


in restaurant the ambiance in the most important elements so we have place is accordingly  as there are many type of lightning such as ambient lightning, task lightning & accent lightning so we have to place this lightning in a such a way that it should go according to theme of a restaurant and it should look attractive high light the corner which we want to high light in a restaurant which will high light the interior

Material and texture

Material and  texture are important elements in the restaurant design as it should be according to the theme of a brand or concept as it will attract the vast base of customer so we have to select the material and texture preciecly as it should go accordingly .

furniture selection

furniture  are also important elements of the restaurant so we have to decide it that it should go with the theme and also we have to  keep  in mind about comfort of the customer it is be very important elements  as it also high light the restaurant also it will attract  many customer will increase  the profit of our customer 


907,behind treasury office Dau Krishn Kuwar Ward, Bhatapara, Chhatishgarh.

Phone: +91 9584197499


Open: Mon – sun, 9am – 5pm